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Pilgrim - Online Marketing

Pilgrim achieves top rankings on Google with an ambitious SEO strategy and investment in SEO work in close collaboration with Novicell.

Growth via SEO since the collaboration started

(compared to the same period last year over the past 8 months)

85 0 %

growth in organic traffic

97.9 0 %

growth in new users

39 0 %

growth in revenue


Pilgrim is a Danish jewelry manufacturer with over 40 years of experience and a strong position in the Nordic market. Over the years, Pilgrim has expanded its product range and become known for combining timeless designs with high quality. To strengthen its digital presence and achieve ambitious growth goals, Pilgrim decided to focus on owning the most important keywords within its core segments on Google.

Pilgrim’s SEO ambitions and goals

The goal was to achieve rank 1 on Google for searches related to "earrings" and other key business-critical keywords. To achieve this, Pilgrim sought a partner capable of delivering a long-term and effective SEO strategy while executing SEO tasks in close collaboration with Pilgrim’s team. With Novicell as the SEO strategy advisor and execution partner, a close collaboration began in the spring of 2024. This partnership combined Pilgrim’s strong product understanding with Novicell’s extensive SEO experience—from strategy and planning to execution.

How we achieved SEO success for Pilgrim

In close collaboration with Pilgrim, Novicell developed an SEO strategy tailored to Pilgrim’s needs, based on a series of situational analyses.

The situational analyses included a thorough technical SEO analysis and evaluation, a series of keyword analyses, as well as an on-page SEO analysis and assessment of existing content and structure.

Based on the current situation, a clear overview of relevant and necessary SEO initiatives was established, enabling the development of an SEO strategy for Pilgrim.

Using this SEO strategy as a foundation, we created a targeted plan with a comprehensive list of prioritized tasks designed to pave the way for achieving top rankings on Google.

Examples of the most valuable SEO efforts for Pilgrim

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    Technical SEO optimization

    Technical SEO forms the foundation of SEO success. For Pilgrim, this was a critical part of their growth. Based on the technical SEO analysis, we implemented structured data on the website to enhance search engines’ understanding of the content and structure. Duplicate content was identified and removed to avoid internal competition between pages.

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    Optimization of meta texts

    From the beginning of the collaboration, meta texts were reviewed and optimized for business-critical keywords identified in the keyword analyses. Meta texts were also enhanced to increase click-through rates on Google search results.

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    AI-driven SEO content

    By integrating AI tools into the SEO process, and in alignment with Pilgrim’s tone of voice, we created new, relevant, and valuable content with significant time savings.

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    Internal and external link building

    The internal link structure was optimized to improve Google’s crawling and understanding of the site’s structure and content. Simultaneously, we worked on building external inbound links from trustworthy sources to strengthen Pilgrim’s overall credibility.

Continuous monitoring and optimization

To ensure ongoing progress in SEO work, our SEO team has continuously monitored SEO performance to make sure that we consistently focus on the efforts that deliver the greatest value for Pilgrim. Specifically, this includes increased organic visibility, better rankings on Google, and more organic traffic – and as a result, growth in sales and revenue. An important and decisive part of the successful SEO collaboration is the clear distribution of roles and tasks, as well as continuous alignment of expectations and follow-up on the execution of the planned SEO initiatives. Novicell's primary role in the collaboration has been as a strategic partner, with ongoing execution of several more operational tasks. Our SEO specialists, as the strategists in the collaboration, have taken the lead on execution and prioritization of the various initiatives. Pilgrim, on the other hand, has been extensively involved in executing SEO-optimized content, including proposals, sparring, and follow-ups with Novicell's SEO team. The structure of the collaboration has created an efficient workflow for both parties.

The results

The SEO collaboration between Pilgrim and Novicell has quickly delivered impressive results for the business. These results support the company's ambition and goal of being the country's leader in their industry: From #7 to #1 on Google: Within the first five months of the collaboration, we successfully achieved a position 1 on Google for the company's most important keyword, “øreringe,” which significantly increased visibility and traffic from these searches. +85% Growth in organic traffic: Traffic to the earrings category page and its subcategories increased by a full 85% compared to the same period the previous year. Approximately 98% of this growth comes from new users/potential customers. +39% Growth in revenue: This growth has been generated from the increase in organic traffic driven by SEO work.

"Novicell is one of the strongest players in online business. We sought a consultancy that could manage all aspects of our digital presence – everything from development to online marketing, but especially a slightly more strategic approach to online commerce.

Together, we have achieved all the goals we set – and quite a bit more. We are regularly challenged on various topics – but always in a good way. And it's just great when you enjoy working with the people you're collaborating with." 

a close up of a man's face
Hjalde Markvad
Head of Ecommerce, Pilgrim

The future

The collaboration with Novicell has created the opportunity to apply the learnings from the earrings category to Pilgrim’s other business areas, which we will continue to work on into 2025. The ambition is to achieve similarly strong SEO results for the other categories and to capture larger market shares on Pilgrim’s international sites. In addition to SEO, the collaboration now also includes a focus on conversion optimization with periodic analyses, evaluations, and improvements. Efforts focused on user experience and conversion optimization will support the SEO initiatives and ensure continuous growth in both revenue and customer satisfaction.

Learn more about international SEO here