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Indsamlere Røde Kors Novicell

Red Cross

Digital platforms ensure financial support and loyalty among volunteers

About Red Cross

Red Cross is one of Denmark's largest membership organisations. We are all familiar with their vital support helping people in international disasters and war zones. As well as this they have an extensive network of work with charity shops, and organise volunteer visits, as well as support at asylum centers in Denmark. 

The organisation has 32,000 volunteers and over 200 local chapters, each with its own board.

The Challenge

The marketing of large international aid organisations has become increasingly competitive in recent years, and individuals can now easily create mini-fundraisers through their own networks and social media. Additionally, both public and private networks are increasingly utilising volunteers as a labor force.

Therefore, it is crucial for Red Cross to continue securing broad support for their organisation. This includes direct financial support, as well as recruitment and retention of volunteers.

The solution is two tailored websites

In 2018, Novicell delivered two websites to Red Cross: rodekors.dk and mitrodekors.dk.

The organisation's main brand site, rodekors.dk, tells the story of Red Cross. At the same time, it should be as easy as possible for the user to support the organisation's projects. Therefore, the solution was a stable platform with high user-friendliness and excellent performance during peak times.

Running in parallel, mitrodekors.dk serves as a portal for the organisation's 32,000 volunteers. The platform functions as a social media platform, creating networks among the volunteers and fostering their loyalty to the organisation.

Both websites are built on Drupal 8. They share a significant part of the codebase, which saves time in the development process when basic functionalities only need to be created once. It also facilitates working more efficiently for editors, as they have the same functionalities in both places.

Focus on Donations

Donations are the foundation of Red Cross, and nearly 200,000 Danes support the organization. Some provide a monthly contribution, while others support with a single amount to support the organisation in responding to a specific disaster. Therefore, the donation forms have maximum visibility and user-friendliness. For example, the form is dynamic. When users increase the donation amount, it visualises what the extra money means (such as the quantity of meals or blankets).

Editors also have great flexibility in the interface and can easily build unique donation forms for front pages and campaign pages. Through these variations, the conversion rate for individual campaigns can be optimised. The forms are integrated with QuickPay, ERP (Axapta), CRM, and SendGrid for secure payment.

Shops and first aid courses

Red Cross has three different shops with a shared checkout and payment flow. For example, rodekors.dk/skole/webshop, where students and teachers can find various teaching materials for primary schools. The solution also includes a booking flow for both B2C and B2B users, allowing them to sign up for the organisation's popular first aid courses. This is done through integration with the DoCAS course management system.

Red Cross near you

The site includes a map component that editors can insert wherever they want. The listings display locations from the automatic import (see section below), or alternatively, editors can upload a file with the locations.

Drupal Splash Awards: Red Cross

Novicell is an award-winning consultancy firm and has, among other achievements, won two Drupal Splash Awards for our solutions for Red Cross. In 2019, rodekors.dk won the award for Best Non-Profit Organisation Website at the Drupal Splash Awards. The organization's main brand site, rodekors.dk, tells the story of Red Cross. Similarly, in 2019, mitrodekors.dk won the award for Best Social/Community solution.

Local entities are automatically updated

The site runs advanced data imports in the background, fetching information from an Axapta ERP system. The data includes users, departments, locations, activities, and more.

Based on the import, the solution automatically creates and updates all department pages and subpages for each department.

While the unique pages are created and updated automatically, editors can still add new content to the pages. This way, each department obtains an individual online presence.

My Red Cross: The Volunteer Portal

Mitrodekors.dk is crucial for building loyalty and retaining the 32,000 volunteers. Red Cross uses the portal to communicate with their volunteers and send them news updates.

The volunteers can follow specific groups and receive the latest posts and comments from selected groups in a feed or via email. This way, they stay updated on their areas of interest, such as recycling, family networks, or integration.

Social media creates and maintains networks

The volunteers can also create posts within the groups (departments, activities, or networks) and comment on each other's posts. For example, they can share updates about events happening in their department or ask other volunteers for assistance. The portal thus serves as a social media platform for the volunteers, enabling them to create new networks within local departments or across interests.

Additionally, the portal includes a shop with items exclusively available to volunteers. These may include Red Cross merchandise or signs for shops.

Røde Kors Mockup Novicell

Courses via automatic data import

Similar to rodekors.dk, data is automatically imported from an ERP system on mitrodekors.dk. This includes departments, board members, and local activities. Additionally, courses for volunteers who wish to become tutors, companions, and more are imported as well.

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