When Flügger came up with the idea for Notes of Colour, their aim was to create a brand with strong appeal to a completely new and younger target audience who primarily seek inspiration and make purchases online. However, questions quickly arose within the organization, such as: Why can't we handle direct sales of paint to consumers in our current digital setup? Does our existing IT architecture hinder our business opportunities? How do we handle similar situations in the future? Flügger realized that they had imposed certain limitations on themselves and needed to break free from them.
Flügger embarked on positioning the new brand, Notes of Colour, and began building a completely new and separate digital setup to enable the direct sale of paint to European consumers. Concurrently, in collaboration with Novicell, Flügger started dismantling their existing monolithic architecture and gradually transformed it into a modern and flexible IT architecture. The new IT architecture was designed to be prepared for handling multiple brands, multiple sales channels across many countries, acquisition situations, and more. Specifically, Flügger slowly broke down their IT monolith into multiple systems that were loosely connected via APIs, each handling tasks that the respective platform was best suited for. The goal was to ensure that each module could be easily upgraded, replaced, or connected to other modules in order to best support the business without impacting the rest of the digital ecosystem.
Alongside Novicell, we have gradually built a digital foundation that enables us to create the business we desire. It is extremely important. We can integrate multiple acquisitions into our systems, work with multiple brands, sales channels, and operate in many markets. This gives us both competitiveness and incredible maneuverability in the future.
Flüggers tech stack
The ambition is to become the preferred brand in paint and surface treatments for the younger segment. They have a more emotional customer journey, which is why notesofcolour.com is built around strong visual experiences with exciting colours and interior design. The webshop has a completely simple and streamlined purchasing process - no disruptive elements, a narrow product range, and no physical stores. It should be ultra-simple.
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