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Composable Commerce

Turn IT architecture into a competitive advantage with Composable Commerce

Use the best technologies that match your business and customers

Composable Commerce is about using the best technologies from different vendors instead of relying on a single vendor to provide the entire setup. At Novicell, we think about and build solutions for our customers according to this way of thinking all the time.

By 2023, organisations that have adopted a composable approach will outpace competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation.

- Gartner

What characterises Composable Commerce?

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    To be modular, every single component in your tech stack must be able to be implemented and replaced without affecting the rest of your technological ecosystem.

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    Openness refers to the ability to make integrations between the modular components.

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    Your tech stack must be flexible enough to create the customer-focused experiences your customers want.

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    The ability to respond quickly to changing business challenges.

White paper 'Accelerating Your Rate of Innovation Through Composable, Pace-Layered and MACH-Based Architecture

There is a tendency to keep fixing the IT systems to try and squeeze a few more miles out of them – knowing that the systems are no longer the best to support the business's growth and opportunities to sell, for example, to new customers or new business models.

- Adam Peter Nielsen, CTO, Novicell

Naturally, this does not stand alone, because there are ways to build a digital infrastructure to support the business' growth opportunities. In this white paper, you can read about composable, pace-layered, and MACH-based architecture, as well as digital architecture methods that ensure business competitiveness, maneuverability, and growth opportunities. And which is gaining traction internationally, at a fast pace.

You can download the white paper "Architecture of the Future. Accelerating Your Rate of Innovation Through Composable, Pace-Layered and MACH-Based Architecture" here. We believe it is a must-read for board members and those who advise them.

The principles of composable and pace-layered IT architecture

At Novicell, we have prepared a reference architecture that illustrates the principles of composable and pace-layered architecture. The reference architecture is the starting point for how Novicell recommends building commerce and omnichannel solutions. Business needs vary greatly between industries and business models, which is why the architecture must always be determined in the context of the given company.

Novicell Reference Arkitektur

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