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Modern architecture

Implementation of an IT architecture in accordance with modern principles increases performance, flexibility and scalability

From monolith to ecosystem of platforms

"Modern architecture" covers a number of principles that represent the transition from traditional architecture with a platform (monolith) to an ecosystem of platforms that collectively meet business needs. In addition, the ecosystem is built and integrated in accordance with specific guidelines, which ensures flexibility in further development, replacement and scaling.

What are the advantages of modern architecture

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    Novicell has a long history within modern architectural principles

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    Modern architecture provides flexibility to add new platforms and functionality without affecting existing platforms

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    Replacement of platforms

    Because it avoids integrating systems directly with one other, changing platforms is simpler than it has been traditionally

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    By means of separation into microservices and cloud hosting, it is possible to scale performance individually between platforms and services

Modern architecture is built in accordance with the principles below

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Pace layered

Pace layered – building the architecture in three layers depending on how changeable platforms and needs are.

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Composable – That an architecture is built from multiple platforms to support business needs and avoid dependence on a single platform to support all needs.

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Best of breed

Best of breed – Use a mix of specialist platforms for better results than a generalist platform.

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MACH principles

MACH principles – Principles for construction, integration and infrastructure, which ensure flexibility and scalability

MACH Architecture

The transition from traditional to modern architecture

The transition from traditional to modern architecture is highly individual and comes in many forms and tempi. Transitions depend, among other things, on of the state of existing IT architecture, IT & business strategy and external factors.
One thing that is the same for all transitions is that they are executed with respect for the existing business process.

At Novicell, we distinguish between two approaches

Revolution - Starting afresh. Build a modern architecture parallel to the existing architecture to switch over to when the modern one is ready. High risk, medium/low complexity.

Evolution – Gradual conversion from traditional to existing architecture. Based on the existing architecture, the architecture is separated and rearranged in stages, all while still supporting the existing business. Medium/Low risk, Medium complexity.

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