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Newly developed international webshop with customizable chocolate lens mix

Carletti digitalizes global sales of chocolate products

The East Jutland-based candy producer Carletti, known for Danish candy classics such as foam bananas, p-tærter, bridge mix, and Brazil, has partnered with Novicell to take the first step in moving more of its B2B sales online. In the initial phase, Carletti has developed a product configurator, enabling the creation of customized products through an efficient and interactive B2B self-service platform. By digitizing previously manual processes, the solution not only supports smooth product customization but also allows for easy scaling of Carletti's business.

The new B2B shop optimizes and opens up new markets.

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    Streamlined sales processes

    The digital platform is primarily driven by a desire to reduce the number of in-person contact points in the sales process. Automating some of these processes results in significant cost savings, opening up entirely new commercial opportunities.

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    Expanding to new segments and markets

    The new solution is a step towards reaching customer segments and markets that were previously too costly to approach. The optimized sales process makes it profitable to engage with smaller customers and expand into new countries.

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    Enhanced customer experience

    When a brand like Carletti welcomes its customers, the experience must be top-notch. Therefore, special attention has been paid to the visual design while also complying with the various regulations on food sales.

Product customization

The entire solution is built around products that customers can tailor to their needs while seeing the product visuals evolve in real-time. You can create your own color mix, choose materials, coatings, certifications, packaging, etc. All these tasks, previously handled manually, are now digitized for B2B self-service. Additionally, an admin interface allows Carletti to continually expand its range without needing to modify the core system. Some configurations go directly to production, while others are saved as drafts to be approved and then executed.

See how it works here

Carletti's tech stack

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    The frontend is implemented using Hyvä's modern, lightning-fast technology, ensuring high page speed and compliance with Google Web Vitals.

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    Algolia as a search engine

    Search functionality is powered by Algolia, delivering fast search results and user-friendly filtering options.

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    The integration of customers, products, orders, and pricing between Magento and Carletti's ERP is reliably managed via microservices.

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    The solution is implemented using Magento Open Source. We leverage Magento’s powerful platform as a foundation, customizing it as needed to meet client requirements.

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    Server-side tracking

    Tracking runs server-side via Google Tag Manager, ensuring compliance and high page speed.

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    AI Translation tool

    Carletti uses Novicell's AI translation module, allowing them to edit and translate all text on the site. The module is integrated with DeepL’s language models, which automatically provide translation suggestions.

"We have a product with significant international potential, which we aim to fulfill. But we're also very aware that we don't have the resources to hire a large sales team to travel worldwide and meet potential clients. Therefore, we are now digitalizing our sales."

Jakob Legind Carletti
Jakob Legind
Group Export Director